Our wonderful middle school and high school band and chorus come to the elementary schools to perform and demonstrate instruments for the 5th-grade students! After the event, 5th-grade students get to decide whether they want to do chorus or band next school year when they enter the middle school!
1 day ago, Scituate School Department
band and chorus
band and chorus
Our Spring Scholastic Book Fair is next week (begins on May 20th). Use this link for more information and to add money to your child's e-wallet. No cash accepted. E-Wallet or Check to NSPTO. https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/northscituateelemschool
about 18 hours ago, Kaitlin Soccio
Join us for a night with Storyteller- Len Cabral from 6-7pm. See the flyer or use google form for more details. Each family will receive a copy of one of his books that we will read together. https://forms.gle/4FDxEFH27SzSRKj78
about 18 hours ago, Kaitlin Soccio
Len Cabral
The STEAM Museum by Mobile Ed turned our gymnasium into a state-of-the-art, hands-on children’s museum focused on STEAM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math). Stations students can experience include robots, virtual reality, 3D printing, art, engineering, and more. Everyone loved it, even the adults! Thank you to our parent volunteers for making this event possible.
5 days ago, Scituate School Department
STEAM Museum
STEAM Museum
STEAM museum
Students in Grades K-5 had the opportunity to view the Solar Eclipse that occurred over RI on April 8th! Glasses were purchased so that all students had the opportunity to explore this special event with their teachers and classmates. Thank you to those families who sent their children's glasses back to school. They have been donated to Eclipse Glasses USA, who will be distributing them to children in Latin America who will also have the opportunity to enjoy the Solar Eclipse in August 2024!
7 days ago, Scituate School Department
North Scituate
Our entire school community has been deeply affected this week by the recent passing of our Director of School Counseling, Dan Casey. We extend our condolences to the Casey family, and all students, staff, and Teachers, who are working through this difficult time. Mr. Casey dedicated himself to Scituate Middle/High School for the past five years, first as a school counselor before taking on a bigger role as our Director of School Counseling. He was also our head wrestling coach and played a crucial role in building our program up to where it is today. Mr. Casey connected with nearly every student in our school in some way. In a school community as close-knit as ours, his loss will continue to be deeply felt. Please know that we are doing everything we can to support students, families, and the entire Scituate community with additional resources and counseling during this time, and we encourage anyone who has been affected by this news to reach out to support services, including those available through our schools. RESOURCES https://www.therapistaid.com/worksheets/stages-of-grief-education https://www.hebronhawkeye.com/infographics/2023/09/06/infographic-coping-with-grief-as-a-teenager/?return https://www.therapistaid.com/therapy-article/grief-rituals
11 days ago, Scituate School Department
Dan Casey
Join us for our Arts Night 05/22 from 6-7:30pm
20 days ago, Kaitlin Soccio
TODAY IS LAST DAY TO ORDER YEARBOOKS. ONCE YOUR STUDENTS SEES IT THEY WILL WANT ONE!! Make sure you order we didn’t have extra copies last year!! Don’t miss out. Yearbook sales end April 23. Visit: YBPay.lifetouch.com (school code: 1980524)
21 days ago, Kaitlin Soccio
Some students in Mrs. DiLuglio's 3rd grade class at North Scituate cashed in their Class Dojo points (250 points) to be "Teacher of the Day". On Class Dojo, students earn points for positive behavior and more!
about 1 month ago, Scituate School Department
North Scituate
North Scituate
During a Science4Us module on Eco Awareness, students in Mrs. Bettez's class at North Scituate Elementary made posters to show different ways to care for the Earth!
about 1 month ago, Scituate School Department
North Scituate
North Scituate
Mrs. Dupre's class 1st grade class at North Scituate Elementary shared their carefully curated personal narratives at our Family Stories Showcase! Thank you to our families for attending this event!
about 1 month ago, Scituate School Department
family showcase
family showcase
Students in Mrs. Slaughter's Kindergarten class at North Scituate Elementary are learning how to add using number bonds. They learned how number bonds work by acting out addition stories on the rug. What fun!
about 1 month ago, Scituate School Department
Spirit Week is next week! See below for more details.
about 1 month ago, Kaitlin Soccio
Our North Scituate Elementary students did a fantastic job earning positive office referrals in March! We are so proud of all of you. Keep up the great work!
about 1 month ago, Scituate School Department
positive office referrals
positive office referrals
positive office referrals
positive office referrals
positive office referrals
See attached calendar. This calendar does not reflect that our last day of school is 6/17. We have had two "snow days". https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/3278/SSD/3983197/2023-2024_Scituate_School_Calendar_Rev2.6.2024.pdf
about 2 months ago, Kaitlin Soccio
Look at these proud faces! These second grade students at North Scituate are the newest members of the 500 Reading Steps Club in Mrs. O'Grady's class. These students have read for 125 hours so far this year at school and at home. Well done!
about 2 months ago, Scituate School Department
second grade readers
In STEAM, 5th graders worked very hard on their Shark Tank inventions at North Scituate Elementary! Students were able to present their inventions to their peers and judges a few weeks ago! We are so proud of all their hard work and creativity!
about 2 months ago, Scituate School Department
STEAM at North Scituate
We have some very talented musicians at North Scituate Elementary! Students in grade 2 worked on bucket drumming in February. They did a great job following along to the beat! Our students in grade 4 did an excellent job learning how to use their recorders, and they were very excited!
about 2 months ago, Scituate School Department
grade 3
grade 2
At North Scituate, Ms. Cuttle's 4th-grade class has been busy measuring angles in their math unit. Students did a great job working together and using math tools to complete the activity.
about 2 months ago, Scituate School Department
north scituate
Our grade 3 students at North Scituate have been working hard to make sure they make kindness a priority every day!
2 months ago, Scituate School Department
north scituate
north scituate