We hope to provide important, relevant and ongoing information in multiple ways:
School Emergencies: Alert Notifications in forms of text, phone calls, or emails are sent
School Closures: Alert Notifications in forms of text, phone calls, or emails are sent; additionally, these are posted on RI Broadcaster Association, and local radio and TV
Events and Meetings: Alert Notifications in forms of text, phone calls, or emails are sent; find all SSD events on our Calendar;
Attendance Concerns:
Depending on the level of concern parents/guardians may recieve any of the following:
Personalized phone calls, recorded messages, letters, emails, meetings, or home visits
Elementary parents/guardians may contact their students' teachers to get an update on grades, we hope to move to PowerSchool Portal for our elementary students soon. Stay tuned.
Secondary parents/guardians may use PowerSchool Portal to monitor their students' progress